Tuesday 21 October 2014

Drinking Too Much Water Can Kill.

Can one die  from drinking too much water? Of course yes! Surprised? Maybe you are after hearing all the myth about drinking up to 8 glasses of water a day or hearing of how you need to take a lot of water every day to help you get rid of harmful compound by passing them out through urine and sweat. Even though water is essential to life, over dose of it can lead to serious conditions like headaches, insomnia, cold hands and feet, decreased emotional health, reduced mental clarity, reduces metabolism and even death.

Sometime in 2007, a 28 year old woman from California died after competing in a water drinking contest.
Another Taiwanese woman lost her sight after drinking 7 liters of water every day for 3 days. In both cases, doctors diagnosed water intoxication, also known as water poisoning or dilutional hyponatremia - a condition that results when there is over dilution of the blood salts from drinking too much water.

The kidney is responsible for controlling the amount of water and salts that leaves the body. If you drink more water than the kidney can handle, the blood becomes over diluted or "water logged" forcing the cells to absorb the excess water. This makes the cells swell just like balloons and in extreme cases, they can even burst leading to death.

The next question is how much water is too much water? If you are drinking water just because your body requires it and not because you are thirsty, you are probably giving your body more water than it actually needs. You should always drink according to your thirst. Now, lets share some myths about drinking water..

Myth 1 - By the time you feel thirsty, you are already dehydrated. This is not true. Thirst is a sign that you need to drink water not a sign that you are too late to drink it.

Myth 2 - Drinking more water can help weight loss. There is no such thing as drinking water to reduce appetite before meal. Several researches have shown that there is no evidence of weight loss by consuming excess water.

Myth 3 - Drinking more water can help you sleep better. This is not true. Drinking too much water can cause insomnia and kidney damage. You may need to get up at night to pee when you consume more water.

Dear friends, I am not saying that drinking water is bad. All I am saying is TOO MUCH of it is bad. Bottom line - drinking when you are thirsty is good enough.


  1. hmnnn...... very different opinion from all those messages we have recieved about how drinking water according to chinese researchers can cure many diseases ,drinking a glass early in the morning before taking anything etc,how do we marry both opinions?

  2. Drinking water is good and can help our bodies. What is bad is drinking too much water.
