Tuesday 14 October 2014

Keep your refrigerator smelling fresh!

Hello friends. I know that you have been wondering where I have been. Hmm.....its really not easy to be a grown woman. I have been so busy but don't worry, I am here now. A few days ago at the office, I had a refrigerator discussion with a friend and colleague. We were wondering "what's the best way to keep your refrigerator fresh smelling?" I did some research and today, I want to share with you some of the tips I found most interesting. Lets start with cleaning the refrigerator......

We all know that we have to clean our refrigerator as often as possible to get rid of "out dated foods" that we are never gonna eat, rotten fruits and veggies and spills from sauces and milk. I have outlined below, a fast, simple and "green" way for cleaning the refrigerator;

Step 1 - Switch off the refrigerator, take every item out of it and place them on the kitchen table.

Step 2 - Go through everything you have brought out so as to sort out the "outdated" items ( as i would like to call them) and thrash them.

Step 3 - Remove all the shelves and drawers and wash them with mild soap in warm water. For a cleaner greener method (for those who do not like close contact of detergent with food), mix equal parts of warm water and vinegar and clean them. I actually prefer the water and vinegar because not only is it greener, it leaves the drawer surfaces squeaky clean and glittery. After cleaning, leave them out to dry.

Step 4 -  Now, it's time to clean the inside of the refrigerator. DO NOT USE SOAP. I suggest three different types of cleaning solutions that you can use: 2 table spoons of baking soda in one quarter bowl of water; half water half vinegar solution described in step 3 above; or a mixture of one cup of cooking salt in a gallon of water with a squeeze of fresh lemon. Your guess is as good as mine - I prefer the baking soda solution because of its effectiveness in removing bad smells. Use a clean rag with any of the solutions to clean the inside of the refrigerator (including the door) and there after follow up with a dry rag or towel.

Step 5 - Clean the items (cups, bowls, packets, ice trays) you brought out of the refrigerator before placing them back inside.

Step 6 - Clean the exterior of the refrigerator with the half water half vinegar solution.

Step 7 - Take out the drip pan located underneath or beneath the refrigerator, discard its content and wash. (you are allowed to use soap and even bleach here).

Step 8 - Vacuum the coils of the refrigerator. This is something most of us do not do but its actually necessary to help the refrigerator work better.

Now let me share some freshness tips with you

Tip 1 - To keep your refrigerator smelling fresh, leave a jar of baking soda in a corner of your refrigerator with its lid off and remember to change it for a fresher one at least once in two weeks. Baking soda has the ability to absorb odors, leaving your refrigerator fresh smelling always.

Tip 2 - For lovers of scents, dab a cotton ball in vanilla, mint or any essential oil of your choice and place it in a dish in the corner of your refrigerator. Be sure to replace this after a couple of week.

Tip 3 - Squeeze a brown paper and place it along side fruits and vegetables in your refrigerator for odor control. I have not tried it personally, but I hear it works.

Keep a date with your refrigerator this weekend, try out this cleaning methods and freshness tips and share your results with me.


  1. Yay! I am going to try these steps to know which one ll adopt as my regular. Thanks for sharing. Good job

  2. You are welcome. Lets know your choice when you are done.
