Sunday 14 December 2014

Calories in Noodles and Egg

Hello friends. Trust you all have been doing great. You would agree with me that noodles - especially indomie noodles is one of the fastest food to prepare and also very popular among all ages. surprisingly, it is very high in calories. One pack of indomie noodles (the smallest pack) contains 370 calories and most times we consume at least two of it. If you want to loose weight or if you are watching your calorie intake, indomie is a no go area.

For a meal of 2 packs of indomie and one large egg, you would have consumed 818 calories in one meal and if you are a lover of eggs and you have two eggs, that is an additional 78 calories. 818 calories is a whole lot for just one meal.

Saturday 29 November 2014

Foetus in fetu

I just saw this and I thought it was interesting so i decided to share. Have you ever heard of a condition called "Foetus in fetu"?. It occurs in 1 in 500,000 live births. I said live births because in most cases, when this kind of condition occurs, both babies die. The video above is that of Sanju Bhagat, a 36 year old Indian who had this condition. In 1999, he was taken to the hospital where the doctors diagnosed him and found out that had a massive tumor that put pressure on his diaphragm, making it difficult for him to breathe. During the surgery to remove the tumor, the surgeon put his hand in Sanju’s abdomen, and felt another tiny hand inside: Sanju’s dead twin...

Monday 10 November 2014

Calorie Watch - Part 1 (Calories in Bread)

Hello friends, I trust every one is doing great. Its been a while I posted any thing here and I am sure that you are wondering where I have been. I had more stuffs to do than can fit into 24 hours. But not to worry, I have learnt to squeeze everything to fit into 24 hours. I missed you all and I hope you missed me too.

Over weeks, I added some weight around my abdominal region an trust me, it is not a very nice thing to experience. I have almost no time to exercise because I have to deal with school, work, family and a whole lot of other personal stuffs. I decided to start watching my calories by eating smaller portions and even changing some of my diets. Surprisingly, it has helped a little.

The daily recommended calorie....

Friday 24 October 2014

Awkward Birthday Situations.......

I celebrated my birthday on the 22nd of this month and it was so much fun. Yaaaay!!!! Sometimes I just wonder how you can just cross a timeline and boom......... you are plus one. Can't we ever grow younger? Well, am happy cos God has been faithful to me from my born day till now and it promises to be a fun filled year.

I was chatting with a few people about awkward things that could happen on birthdays. Every one I spoke to said said at least one thing. It was a lot of fun so I decided to share the fun with you by creating this list of 10 awkward things that happens on birthdays....

Tuesday 21 October 2014

Drinking Too Much Water Can Kill.

Can one die  from drinking too much water? Of course yes! Surprised? Maybe you are after hearing all the myth about drinking up to 8 glasses of water a day or hearing of how you need to take a lot of water every day to help you get rid of harmful compound by passing them out through urine and sweat. Even though water is essential to life, over dose of it can lead to serious conditions like headaches, insomnia, cold hands and feet, decreased emotional health, reduced mental clarity, reduces metabolism and even death.

Sometime in 2007, a 28 year old woman from California died after competing in a water drinking contest.

Wednesday 15 October 2014

Palm Kernel Oil and Palm Oil!

Hello friends. Hope you had a fantastic day cos I did. The other day at the office, I was discussing about palm kernel oil with a colleague of mine I love to call mama. She asked a lot of questions about it, so i decided to read about it. Here is what I found.

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Keep your refrigerator smelling fresh!

Hello friends. I know that you have been wondering where I have been. Hmm.....its really not easy to be a grown woman. I have been so busy but don't worry, I am here now. A few days ago at the office, I had a refrigerator discussion with a friend and colleague. We were wondering "what's the best way to keep your refrigerator fresh smelling?" I did some research and today, I want to share with you some of the tips I found most interesting. Lets start with cleaning the refrigerator......